Hi Friends, my name is Cait. Welcome to my Blog!

I am a 22-year-old college student currently studying English- creative writing. I am an aspiring writer on a journey to share my experiences, hopes, and dreams- all centered around my love for Christ. While I may fondly and jokingly say I’m a “retired” soccer player, once a fervent passion of mine, I’ve come to understand that God had different plans in store for my life. Now, I pour my heart and soul into my faith, relationships, friendships, and ever-evolving passions. Join me as I navigate life’s twists and turns, sharing the lessons I’ve learned and the unshakable faith that guides me through it all. Together, we’ll explore the beauty of the human experience and the boundless love of my Savior.

I want you to know that I don’t have it all figured out, and I’m still a sinner in deep need of a Savior. (Romans 5:8) Through this blog, I hope my words inspire you to reflect on your heart and mind, leading you to discover that your hope can be found in Christ alone. (Luke 1:47)

If Jesus is not an interest for you, do know that I cherish many other interests that might be more up your alley, such as cooking, antique shopping, exercise, art, coffee, talking, and many more! I will say that Jesus is at the core of everything I do; do not let that be the thing that turns you away. Take this as an opportunity to learn and grow. I want to give the hungered world beauty, but it also needs the substance of truth (John 1:14).

Thank you for joining me on this faith, growth, and discovery journey!

1 John 4:19: “We love because He first loved us.”